Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you based?

We hold practises in Morton Community Centre on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

How much are classes?

Classes are booked in blocks and cost £7 per session. Blocks usually run for five or six weeks at a time. A one off class is £12.

What should I wear to class? Do I need any special footwear?

Breathable sports clothing is ideal. We also recommend trainers, and if you already own pumps or treble shoes then feel free to bring them. There is no obligation to purchase these however if you don’t currently own a pair.

I’m X years old. Can I still come to class?

Of course! We’ve had dancers from 18 right through to 80+ in our classes and that’s how we like it 🙂

I’ve never Irish danced before, do you cater for beginners?

Yes we do, and love to see people trying Irish dancing for the first time! It is just worth remembering that it can take a while to get used to it so please don’t get downhearted if your feet don’t know what to do for the first few weeks.

Why don’t you have beginners only classes?

We’ve found that beginners tend to learn best when included with people of different abilities. In addition, the term ‘beginner’ is tricky with Irish dancers, as many people believe they’re beginners, but in actual fact have many of the basic movements from childhood, meaning there’s a difference even in all beginner classes.

That said, we do still run beginner introduction blocks from time to time, so it might just be a case of waiting a bit 🙂

I’m not very fit, does that matter?

Fitness is an element of the class which has been there from the beginning, but that doesn’t mean you have to be an athlete to join. Workouts at the beginning of class can be scaled to your fitness level and everyone will go at their own pace. Irish dancing itself is tough, so again people can take a rest whenever they need.

Do you offer 1-1 lesssons?

Yes, however we are extremely limited in the number of these we can run through the year. We also cannot offer 1-1 lessons for dancers preparing for competitions.